Observing the Rogation Day

Source: St. Mary's Academy

The day before the Feast of the Ascension is always eagerly anticipated by our students. On this day, the Academy attends the Rogation Mass and procession, asking God’s protection and His blessings on the fields and crops. Fittingly, the day is further celebrated by a picnic and games, allowing the students to especially rejoice in the blessings which God has given us in the return of spring, fair weather and budding plants—all symbolic of the renewal of life, growth and hope.

Girls School Events

Following Mass, the students of the girls school gathered up the hill to play games as they awaited their turns in the lunch line. After a delightful picnic of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and cookies, the girls, now re-energized, divided into age groups and set off to their various locations, whether the glen, orchard, girls quad or southeastern field. Here they participated in all sorts of games—gunny sack races, dodgeball, relay races, tug of war, and volleyball, to name just a few. An atmosphere of light-heartedness, camaraderie, gratitude and joy prevailed. Time flew all too quickly, even though the school day had been extended for the sake of the celebrations. Festivities came to a close with the distribution of popsicles, and a few hundred smiling students were dismissed for their four-day weekend.

Boys School Events

The senior boys spent Tuesday night around a roaring barrel fire and sent sparks flying high into the night sky as they shoveled coals under a roasting pig, the main fare for the next day’s Rogation Day festivities. The Rogation Days are traditionally days to ask “rogare” God’s blessing and protection on the newly planted fields and crops. There are deep connections between education and the tending of crops (the soil “hummus, human” and our hearts, the sower and the educator, the seed and the Word) and thus these days hold special significance to the academy.

Beginning with a procession around the campus and a solemn Mass, we beg God through the intercession of all His saints, to grant a fruitful harvest to the school, asking Him to bless our efforts in sowing, and to replace our stony hearts with hearts of flesh so that the Word can take root and bear much fruit.

After the Liturgy the boys spend the day away from their books enjoying games, each other’s company, and a good meal of roasted pork to celebrate the blessings of our good God upon our church, school and community.