Schola Angelorum

The 4th-6th grade boys Schola is dedicated to teaching its members Liturgical music, Catholic hymns, and Gregorian chant and providing opportunities for them to sing during liturgical functions. The goal is to familiarize the boys with chant, give them some fundamental chant theory, and hopefully to instill a love for singing the chants. Letting the boys sing during the liturgy is an important means of fostering a love for Holy Mass. There is no cost to join the Schola, but much to gain from it.


Schola Angelorum joins in singing the Christmas Midnight Mass; singing a carol or two before the Mass, the Introit for the Mass, and some of the Kyriale. They also sing for the Lower School Boys High Masses.


Schola Angelorum meets in McCabe Theatre on Thursdays after school from 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm.


Schola Angelorum practices start Thursday, October 17. There is no cost to join, but boys must obtain permission from their parents. Please see the Boys' School Secretary, Mrs. Lynn Mioni for a printed permission slip to take home. No new members will be added until second semester.